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Facilities and Surgeons
  • Permanent anesthesia coverage

  • Emergency or short term anesthesia coverage

  • Flexible payment options

  • We accept most insurances

  • Contact us

Consulting Services
  • Set up or improve anesthesia services at your office or facility

  • State and local compliance for anesthesia services in all types of facilities

  • Ordering and supplies

  • ​Pay your bill

  • Update insurance information

  • Pre/Post anesthesia instructions

  • Contact us

Anesthesia Services

We offer all types of anesthesia services from Preoperative evaluation through recovery from anesthesia

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Pre and Postoperative care

Our patient's safety and comfort are our primary concerns.  We do a thorough preoperative evaluation, plan and discuss the peri-operative plan and follow the patient through the recovery phase until they are stable to be discharged from anesthesia care.

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General anesthesia and
IV sedation

Depending on the procedure scheduled, we provide IV sedation or general anesthesia services.  All patients are evaluated pre-operatively and monitored throughout the entire procedure.

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Regional Anesthesia/ Nerve Block

To aid in pain control post-operatively, we offer a variety of nerve blocks that will provide numbness to the operative area and can significantly decrease the amount of anesthesia and narcotics required for pain control during and after the procedure.

MJM Anesthesia LLC

PO Box 235 Cabin John MD 20818

Tel: 202-964-1160 

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